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Acum niște ani
7 ianuarie 2025
1881 • S-a nascut Ion Minulescu, poet, prozator ?i dramaturg român (m. 1944)
1895 • S-a nascut Clara Haskil, pianista originara din România (m. 1960)
1931 • Are loc, la sala Femina, premiera filmului "Ecaterina Teodoroiu", film sonor (cu dialog în inserturi) despre eroina de la Jiu
Ernie Maresca - Shout! Shout! (Knock Yourself Out)
Cu siguranta veti recunoaste stilul acestui cantec vechi. Aparea in 1961, acelasi an in care era lansat si “Runaround Sue”, ambele piese fiind compuse la numai 22 de ani de Ernie Maresca, care este si interpret al piesei “Shout! Shout! (Knock Yourself Out)”, ajunsa pana pe locul 6 in Billboard Hot 100.
Au urmat o serie de colaborari cu alti artisti, pentru care a scris muzica, iar in 1970 a primit o functie de conducere in cadrul unei case de discuri.

Acum un an, pe 3 martie 2010, lansam Goldies.ro. Am adunat ce a fost mai bun in muzica veche a anilor de izbucnire a rock ‘n’ roll-ului si cred ca era necesara in blogosfera romneasca o astfel de colectie de melodii dintr-un moment important in istoria muzicii. Pastila de lecitina pentru rememorarea acelor timpuri va propune Shout! Shout! (Knock Yourself Out) a lui Ernie Maresca si sunt curios cati dintre voi ascultand aceasta piesa au facut un pic de miscare pe scaunul din fata calculatorului. 

Wop wop wop, wop wop adada dada
Wop wop wop, wop wop adada dada
Wop wop wop, wop wop adada dada
Wop wop wop, wop wop adada dada

Shout Shout knock yourself out..
Come on yell yell loud and swell
You gotta Scream scream you know what I mean,
Put another dime in the record machine..
Hey we’re having a party now it’s just begun
We’re all over here and we’re having fun..
Joe’s all alone and he wants to be kissed
While Mary’s in the corner and she’s doing the twist..

So Let’s Shout Shout knock yourself out..
Come on yell yell loud and swell
You gotta Scream scream you know what I mean,
Put another dime in the record machine..
Hey Play another song like A Runaround Sue,
Let’s do a dance that we all can do..
Turn that jukebox up mighty loud,
Let’s liven up this crazy crowd..

Come on Shout Shout knock yourself out..
Come on yell yell loud and swell
You gotta Scream scream you know what I mean,
Put another dime in the record machine..
Every party that I intend
Believe now it’s the livin end
Moving and groovin with some friends of mine..
Saturday night now we’re having a time …

So Lets..Shout Shout knock yourself out..
Come on yell yell loud and swell
You gotta Scream scream you know what I mean,
Put another dime in the record machine..
Hey Doing the fly with our hands in the sky..
Yeah, foot stomping baby just a you and I
School was out about a quarter to three
And we’re having fun it’s plain to see..

So Lets..Shout Shout knock yourself out..
Come on yell yell loud and swell
You gotta Scream scream you know what I mean,
Put another dime in the record machine..





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