Si data viitoare va fi nevoie de ceva si mai scabros, si mai grosolan, si mai penibil pentru a smulge un hohot sau macar un sughit de ras sau, o grimasa. Ca sa justific predica voi spune ca apreciez comediile in care personajele nu se injosesc, isi pastreaza identitatea si nu alearga dupa rating transformandu-se in niste ciudati dezagrabili, prosti si pentru care nici o situatie nu mai poate fi suficient de nepotrivita astfel incat sa provoace rasul.
Cateva cuvinte si despre principalii actori ai momentului muzical “Babysitting blues”: Elisabeth Shue avea avea 24 de ani cand juca in filmul “Adventures in Babysitting” din 1987, al patrulea ei film notabil, cu o cariera al carei varf de notorietate si expunere il reprezinta 1995 si nominalizarile la foarte multe premii pentru rolul din “Leaving Las Vegas”; Albert Collins nu cred ca suna foarte cunoscut pentru foarte multa lume, insa influenta muzicii sale s-a manifestat asupra unor artisti ca Jimmy Page, Frank Zappa, Gary Moore, Stevie Ray Vaughan si in 1987 a castigat un Grammy si este una dintre legendele blues-ului; nu in ultimul rand compozitorul acestei piese este Robert Kraft, un nume recunoscut in muzica de film, prin Oscarul din 1989 pentru cantecul “Under the sea” din filmul de animatie “The little marmaid”, iar ca producator si supervisor in cadrul Fox Music, divizia de muzica de film a celebrului studio 20th Century Fox, si-a legat numele de muzica unor productii cinematografice sau tv faimoase, cum suntTitanic, Ally McBeal, The Full Monty, X-Files, Black Swan, Ice Age, Anastasia, Avatar etc.
Hi. ahem. Umm, My name’s Chris Parker.
I live in Oak Park, that’s a suburb.
They probably figured that out. huh
This is Brad, Sarah and Daryl and we’re in trouble.
Ain’t no doubt!
See me and my boyfriend Mike, tonight’s our anniversary.
But then he went and canceled and now i’m stuck watchin’ these three.
And it’s so hard…
And it’s sooo hard…
Babysittin’ these guys.
She’s got the……
I got this call from Brenda. I went to pick her up.
Tire had a blow out and my mom’s car got shot up.
And these guys started to chace us.
And we all got hijacked. huh
We were crusing down the highway,
In this big, ol’ Cadilaic.
And it’s so hard!
It’s so hard…
Babysittin’ these guys.
She got the…..Babyyyy sittin’ bules.
Baby, baby. Babysittin’ blues.
I’ve got the…Babyyyy sitting blues.
Well alright!
There’s nights….you swear you were born to lose. Like tonight.
And you wish your feet were walkin’ in someone elses shoes.
Some guys are out to get us.
And Brenda’s probably dead.
We ain’t got a nickle.
And they should be in bed. And you outta luck.
Outtaaa luck, watchin’ these guys.
I’ve got the….Babyyyy sitting blues.
Baby, baby.
Babyyyy sitting blues.
Baby, baby.
Babyyyy sitting bluuues.
There are nights….
You swear you were born to looose…yeah!
Like tonight.
And you wish your feet were walkin’ in someone elses shoes.
Some guy’s out to get ‘em and the girl’s probably dead.
She ain’t got a nickle…
And you outta luck.
Outta luck watchin’ these guys.
I’ve got the….Babyyyy sitting blues.
Baby, baby.
Babyyyy sitting blues.
Baby, baby.
Babyyyy sitting bluuues.